via Giuseppe Pelitti 1
+39 3289255558

Tango to Ukraine

tango argentino Milano

Tango to Ukraine

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Solidarity, we do  just for Love!


Thanks to Pablo Ojeda  in Madrid tango “el conventillo Milonga”
Ken Brown in Seattle “encuentro Elegante “

Last week in Lviv (February 25-27 2024), like a hundred years ago in Buenos Aires, tango united in the embrace of people from different cultures and continents, cities and situations.

Teacher and milonguero Yatma Diallo volunteers every year for the Tango for Solidarity project, which brings together tango professionals to support communities in need. This year he spent a few days in Ukraine sharing his knowledge and energy. Thanks for his time, generosity and enthusiasm!


Thanks also to TDJ Olga Valeyka (Kyiv) for a great playlist at the final milonga, photographer Oleksandr Kuznetsov (Lviv) for the beauty and memories, Vika Dukhota (Cherkasy) for delicious gelato; teachers and all the tangueros (especially @tango_if) who came and came to share the dancefloor and the ronda with us. Thanks for making it possible Julia Pivtorak, Lana Zinchenko, Nata Folovko.


The profit that we managed to generate together (18450 UAH) we donated to help humanitarian initiatives.

See you at the next events!

And in the darkest times there is a place for joy

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