via Giuseppe Pelitti 1
+39 3289255558


tango argentino Milano

Spread the tango

“a tango for Turkey and Syria”

A violent earthquake has devastated Syria and Turkey, where millions of people are experiencing an unprecedented health and social emergency. The world of tango cannot remain indifferent to so much suffering: this dance made up of encounters, dialogue and hugs can do a lot to help those who need it most right now. It is for this reason that the social project “Tango for…” was immediately activated by launching an appeal to all tango dancers in Europe and the world. We are putting together ideas and energies to organize milongas, encuentri and tango events that can contribute to helping populations in difficulty. We need funds to support our little people in need and have an immediate effect in their lives.

the proceeds will be divided into three parts, one to an international non-profit organization

a person from Syria

and a person from Turkia

I ask the organizers to send us the payment and the names of the supporters in order to be able to publish a list of supporters and make sure that we are more serene in reporting to the supporters.

not to accept anonymous donations.

and to pour directly into the platform so safra all transparent for all.

With the generosity that has always distinguished our tango world, many organizers are getting on board dedicating events and evenings to this charitable purpose. If you also want to get on board, contact me at the e-mail address and I will be happy to give you all the information possible.

What is “Tango for Turkey and Syria”

“Tango for…” is a social project born in 2019 to promote dialogue between different cultures and worlds, also supporting people in difficulty. The first challenge was born to bring Africa to the World Tango Championships. After several competitions – thanks to which this continent has become a protagonist through its Ambassador, Yatma Diallo (project promoter) – in 2020 the funds from the “Tango for Africa” crowdfunding campaign were destined to support the medical care of a tango person who was experiencing great difficulty at the time.

“Tango for…” does not stop and whenever there is a need, we will take action to bring together the best energies and the desire to make a difference for those in need. Do you want to be with us? Contact us on +39 3289255558


Ken Brown – Estados Unidos
Vadim Musaelyan – Estados Unidos
Pablo Ojeda y Beatrice – España

Bjonda Betulla e il circolo del tango Trento

Patricia Tossi per i testi e Collaborazione

Spread the tango