via Giuseppe Pelitti 1
+39 3289255558

Charmed Cabeceo

tango argentino Milano

Spread the tango

By Marina How amazing it would be if our tango “family” could each wear some clue, some sign, some symbol that would let others know that we’re members of the same tribe.
Not something overt or outlandish, like a big “I dance Argentine Tango!” t-shirt with an image of Comme Il Faut shoes. Just a symbol. A whisper. A “I am here…cabeceo me!” invitation to dance, talk, have a cup of coffee.
This idea has materialized into an elegant medallion, the charm that, depending on your imagination, could be a set of eyes, a depiction of the tango embrace, or the tracks of an ocho in the sand. I called it “Charmed Cabeceo.” Of course it has double meaning and I like it.
Using “Charmed Cabeceo” we will connect to other tango dancers wherever we are, stranded in an airport overseas, or sitting on a bench, or walking down familiar or unfamiliar places. A symbol of this beautiful community without borders

Spread the tango