via Giuseppe Pelitti 1
+39 3289255558

a word from Virginia

tango argentino Milano

a word from Virginia

Spread the tango

We each dance our own dance
Walk our own walk
Are our own unique spirit and voice
With our own authentic true way of being
Of connecting
Of sharing
Of receiving
It is our journey and dance
To share that unique way of being
Of moving
With others around us

To find the ways of moving and creating
That are most true and authentic
To ourselves
At this time in our journeys
Allowing space and energy for that to change and evolve
As we continue and grow

Only in finding
In our own open and unique way
Can we allow ourselves to find and connect with others
Seeking those that helps us in our development
Growth and expression
Who can nurture growth and development that is in alignment
With our individual spirits and ways of dancing and being

Avoiding society traps of watching and judging others
How they dance
Their unique spirit and way of being
Rather just allowing them to be as they are and as they seek to be

We should look for ways to create honest connections
To support each other in expressing
In the ways that are most true and authentic for each of us
Helping each other grow and flourish
Moving toward those where there are shared energies
And allowing others to move past to find their shared connections
So that all may grow and flourish
In the ways that are most true
Creating a more vibrant and diverse garden
For us to all explore and dance within…..
I’d add that a dance is one of the ways that know to establish such a connection. Though the notion of a dance can be brout up to the level of comprising them all, as in lots of cultures a dance stands for methafor of world creating, and this where a human being is a God being

Thanks to Virginia Dick for putting it down better than anyone else.

Mostra meno
— con Yatma Diallo e Yatma Diallo.

Spread the tango