+39 3289255558

The first African tango meeting 

let's tango in a very special continent with a very special program!


a treat for my 75 favorite tangueros et le reste va sans dire…

42 hours of milonga 
120 dancers frome evreywhere

“El Encuentro”

is not a festival ,is not  ancuentro Milonguero and  is not a festival

it is just tangoueros meeting and joining all together with our beauties  and differences . where? in the African continent  in my home land Dakar in Senegal  West Africa . called la terra della  “TERANGA “la terra dell’ ospitalita . 

Invite a tanguero
ph. Marco Buoli
a rich program 

Let’s make it unique 

Yes this is the first tango event ,l’ets  tango in   West Africa for the first time 
the surname of Senegal il “le pays de laterrang” the  land of hospitality so you are very welcome in in senegal .

visa is not required but “elegant dress code
and kindness are required.”

Art exposition

senegalese artits

one Class

just one tango class

Outdoor Milonga

in goree Island who has the price partimoine de L’ UNESCO

Short Lectures

with monica , rafael and luis 

they will make it special!

my mentor and friends, Monica,Rafael,  Aminou, Mister Co with his painting art, and good Djs
will provide the the quality and cultural aspect of the  meeting.

Rafael flores


Correntin Faye

artist painter

Monica Fumagalli

africa tango


tango in africa  exclusively yours

we will provide safe envirement and a lot of tango to enjoy

choose your package
facundo Posadas

Le Parrain de: Tango to Africa

Facundo Posadas is one of the few old milongueros that remain in the tango scene. He has been dancing tango since back in the 50’s, which was still in the tango golden age. He may be the only Afroargentine that tours around the world, known by his dancing and teaching Tango, Milonga and Candombe.

todo tango :

Milonguero by ancestry, Facundo Posadas stands out not only in tango but also in candombe and in milonga con traspié. He has been dancing tango since the 50s and he is the most renowned Afro-Argentine that turns around the tango world. He is known due to his dancing and also because of his teaching activity.

The beginnings of Facundo took place in juvenile reunions of the 50s.
ilonguero by ancestry, Facundo Posadas stands out not only in tango but also in candombe and in milonga con traspié. He has been dancing tango since the 50s and he is the most renowned Afro-Argentine that turns around the tango world. He is known due to his dancing and also because of his teaching activity.

The beginnings of Facundo took place in juvenile reunions of the 50s.  

Carlos Posadas

Su mayor legado fueron sus composiciones, siendo en casi todos tangos. Sin embargo, pocas constan en los registros de la Biblioteca Nacional, solo algunas partituras y escasas grabaciones. Los títulos más destacados de su carrera fueron el “Retirao”, que grabó la orquesta de Troilo en 1957, “El jagüel”, que grabó la orquesta de Carlos Di Sarli y la de Juan D’Arienzo; “Cordón de oro”, y “El tamango”, ambas grabadas por la orquesta de Troilo en el año 1941.Su mayor legado fueron sus composiciones, siendo en casi todos tangos. Sin embargo, pocas constan en los registros de la Biblioteca Nacional, solo algunas partituras y escasas grabaciones. Los títulos más destacados de su carrera fueron el “Retirao”, que grabó la orquesta de Troilo en 1957, “El jagüel”, que grabó la orquesta de Carlos Di Sarli y la de Juan D’Arienzo; “Cordón de oro”, y “El tamango”, ambas grabadas por la orquesta de Troilo en el año 1941.

art zone

“Mister Co”
Corentin Faye 

A painter with a special touch as his paintings show us below.At 16, everyone in the football world thought he had the potential to later be a professional footballer.
As a good number ten he took the COUMBA CASTEL cadet team to the semi-final against ASC KOUSSOUM in 1987 at the Iba Diop stadium for the first time.
The man with the locks whose artist name is #MISTER_CO is a Gorean who with age preferred to marry painting and music.
Musician with several reggea albums.
A painter with a special touch as his paintings show us below. At 16 years old everyone in the football world thought he had the potential to later be a professional footballer.

“Mister co”

Tango non solo danza

Rafael Flores Montenegro está considerado, internacionalmente, como un gran conocedor de esta música, su canción y baile popular. Es autor de originales ensayos literarios sobre sus emblemáticas figuras.

an international TDJ team 

America Latina , Asia, Europe, Usa, Africa

Gülen – Turkia


Tdj 2


Tdj representing ARGENTINA


Tdj representing USA

Marty Gooden 


Tdj representing ASIA


Dakar airport

Blaise Diagne International Airport
Code: DSS –  Dakar Senegal


you can book your transfer with the hotel at the number + 39 328 925 5558
or to include your choice in your event package choices

Hotel adress

Radisson Blu Hotel, Dakar Sea Plaza
Address: Rte de la Corniche O, Dakar 16868, Senegal
Phone: +221 33 869 33 33

gender balance

you can also invite you favorite tango dancer!

tangueros y Damas

40 leaders + 1

damas waiting to be invited

already subscribed



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